Dionysius Bar Salibi

Moran Etho (Series)

Baby Varghese Translator

Moses Bar Kepha

Texts from Christian Late Antiquity (Series)

Baby Varghese Translator

The Commentary of Dionysius...

Moran Etho (Series)

Baby Varghese Translator

The Commentary of John of...

Moran Etho (Series)

Baby Varghese Translator

The Harp (Volume 23)

The Harp (Series)

Baby Varghese Editor
Rev. Jacob Thekeparampil Editor

The Harp (Volume 24)

The Harp (Series)

Baby Varghese Editor
Rev. Jacob Thekeparampil Editor

The Harp (Volume 25)

The Harp (Series)

Baby Varghese Editor
Rev. Jacob Thekeparampil Editor

The Syriac Version of the...

Kiraz Liturgical Studies (Series)

Baby Varghese Author