The Cakrasamvara Tantra (The...

Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences (Series)

David B. Gray Author

Illumination of the Hidden...

Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences (Series)

Tsong Khapa Losang Drakpa Author
David B. Gray Translator

The Brilliantly Illuminating...

Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences (Series)

Tsong Khapa Author
Robert Thurman Translator

The Tara Tantra

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Susan A. Landesman Author

The Vajra Rosary Tantra

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David R. Komodo Kittay Translator
Lozang Jamspal Translator

The Esoteric Community Tantra...

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Great Vajradhara Author
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The Lamp for Integrating the...

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Aryadeva Author
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Buddhapalita's Commentary on...

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Buddhapalita Author
Ian James Coghlan Translator

The Sublime Continuum and Its...

Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences (Series)

Bo Jiang Other

Kalachakra Mandala

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